What To Know Before You Buy a Horse
Use this horse-buying guide to make sure you’re prepared to house, care for, and enjoy your new equine companion safely and properly.
What Does it Cost to Own a Horse?
Explore the financial side of horse ownership, from upfront expenses to ongoing care, so you know what costs to expect and can budget accordingly.
How To Find the Best Hay for Your Horse
Good-quality hay is the foundation of a healthy horse diet. Here’s how to navigate the world of horse hay and find a reputable supplier.
What Does it Cost to Feed a Horse?
Understanding the costs of equine nutrition, from hay to feed to supplements, is essential when it comes to budgeting and planning for horse ownership.
Can Horses Eat Fruits and Vegetables?
Learn if you can feed your horse fruits and vegetables like oranges, squash, spinach, and more, and how to add produce to their diet safely.
How To Help Your Horse Gain Weight
Is your horse struggling to maintain a healthy weight? Learn how to help him achieve adequate weight gain through effective feeding strategies.
What Is an Equine Nutritionist & Does Your Horse Need One?
Learn when you might need to consult an equine nutritionist for help evaluating and developing your horse’s feeding program.