12 Facts About Navicular Disease in Horses
Read up on navicular disease, a common yet complex cause of lameness that’s manageable if you catch it early.
My Horse’s Frog Is Shedding: Should I Be Worried?
Learn what it means when pieces of the frog—that V-shaped pad of tissue on the bottom of your horse’s feet—start to flake off.
How To Communicate With Your Horse’s Farrier
Here are 9 tips for forging a productive information exchange with your farrier.
Help, My Horse Lost a Shoe!
What to do when your horse comes in missing a shoe and steps to take while you’re waiting for the farrier to arrive.
What Is Laminitis in Horses? Signs and Prevention Tips
Laminitis is an extremely painful hoof condition in horses. Learn the signs of laminitis, how to prevent it, and what to do if your horse founders.
How To Prevent Ice Balls in Your Horse’s Hooves
Get tried-and-tested methods, from petroleum jelly to anti-snowball pads, for keeping your horse’s hooves ice-free this winter.
Recognizing the Signs of Hoof Problems in Your Horse
Learn how to recognize the common signs of hoof problems, from behavior changes to physical abnormalities, so you can take steps to keep your horse sound.
Managing a Horse With Sore Feet
If hard ground or thin soles have made your horse’s tootsies tender, here’s how to give him relief from the pain associated with hoof concussion and trauma.
Farrier Visit 101: How To Prepare and Handle Your Horse
Hoof care—trimming and/or shoeing every four to six weeks—is an important part of keeping your horse healthy. As such, it’s important to know how to handle your horse to keep things moving smoothly. Remember these tips to make your horse’s farrier visit a piece of cake. Prepare your horse before your farrier arrives. Don’t wait […]
From Detection to Prevention: Dealing With Thrush in Horses
This foul-smelling hoof infection is common in horses but easy to treat if you catch it early.