How Much Does a Farrier Cost?
Here’s what you should expect to pay for your horse’s trimming, shoeing, or therapeutic farriery.
When Is It Too Cold to Give Your Horse a Bath?
As temperatures drop, know when to swap out your water hose and shampoo for winter-friendly alternatives in the wash stall.
Horse Time Commitments: Balancing Life With Ownership
How much will having a horse of your own impact your weekly schedule?
The Importance of Warming Up and Cooling Down Your Horse
Proper warm-up and cooldown when riding help maximize your horse’s athletic potential while preventing injuries.
6 Tips for Safe NSAID Use in Horses
Follow these safety precautions for administering bute, Banamine, and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to your horse.
Horse Stall and Paddock Safety Checklist
Horses are notorious for getting into trouble. Here’s a 12-step guide to secure stalls and safe pastures on your farm.
Your Guide to Navigating Unexpected Horse Expenses
Learn about 3 common unplanned expenditures of horse ownership and how to feel better prepared for a surprise bill.
Spring Grazing: The Risks of Fresh Grass for Horses
Did you know green grass can be dangerous for some horses? Learn about safe spring grazing practices to ward off the risks.
Horses, Ponies, and Minis: What’s the Difference?
More alike than different, horses and ponies of varying sizes nonetheless have some distinct characteristics.
The Golden Years: Enriching Activities for Retired Horses
Embrace your horse’s retirement and keep his mind and body active with these 5 fun activities.