How To Recognize a Lame Horse

A veterinarian surgeon reviews his basic lameness exam and what he looks for in potentially unsound horses.
How To Examine Your Horse’s Mouth

Checking your horse’s mouth to assess the mucous membranes, look for foreign objects, or evaluate the teeth can help you pinpoint problems.
What To Put in Your Horse’s First-Aid Kit

One veterinarian lists the key items you should keep in an equine first-aid kit to treat minor injuries and be prepared for emergencies.
Understanding Types of Horse Halters (& How To Put Them On)

Learn about the 4 most common horse halters so you can decide which material and style is best for you and your horse.
How To Bathe Your Horse: The Ultimate Guide

Learn to bathe a horse with ease, from preparation to applying the right products to proper technique.
Be Prepared: Assembling a Basic Equine First-Aid Kit

Learn what you need to put in your equine first-aid kit, so you’re prepared to treat minor injuries and wounds.
Types of Horse Wounds and How To Treat Them

From minor cuts to major lacerations, learn about equine wound care essentials, cleaning protocols, and when to call a veterinarian for treatment.
How To Clean and Treat Horse Wounds

An equine veterinarian demonstrates how to clean, dress, and bandage minor wounds on a horse so they heal properly.
Horse Vital Signs: Checking Capillary Refill Time

Learn how to safely check your horse’s capillary refill time, an important indicator of health that in healthy horses should be less than 2 seconds.